Where do lobsters go to borrow money? The prawn shop. Or in the case of Red Lobster, the “Stalking Horse”, in its recently filed Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. In 2003, Red Lobster lost millions of dollars on an all-you-can-eat “Endless Crab” promotion as a result of the unanticipated rising crab prices. Hindsight is 20/20, they say; however, 20 years later, Red Lobster repeated history with an “Ultimate Endless Shrimp” promotion, which has caused the chain to seek the protection of a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. But have no fear; the Cheddar Bay biscuits will prevail due to the chain’s strategic use of… read more »
CGA Law Firm is Pleased to Announce that Haley Rohrbaugh has been Named to the Affordable Housing Advocates Board of Directors
Affordable Housing Advocates is one of the first non-profit housing development corporations in York County. The organization was created to provide much-needed affordable and quality housing for York’s low-income residents and has proudly served York County for over 50 years. “In my Bankruptcy practice, a lot of what I do is help people stay in their homes, saving them from foreclosure, and working with them and the mortgage company to resolve my clients’ mortgage payment delinquency,” says Rohrbaugh. “One of the reasons I am so passionate about doing that is because rent is often much higher than a typical mortgage… read more »
Buying or Selling Real Estate in Bankruptcy
Much about bankruptcy law is counterintuitive and often misinterpreted. For example, the benefits of a bankruptcy filing, such as the improvement of credit scores, protection of assets, tax-free debt forgiveness, and the broad ability to qualify for Bankruptcy are often surprising to our clients. When a property is purchased through a Bankruptcy proceeding, it comes with a Federal Court Order declaring the property is free and clear of any liens, encumbrances, or other interests. It provides an added layer of title protection. The order ensures that no potential debts or interests existing before settlement could ever be enforced against the… read more »
Updates on Student Loan Relief
*DISCLAIMER: This article is intended to share factual information and is not intended to reflect the author’s or CGA Law Firm’s stance or opinion on Student Loan Relief. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. You should only accept legal advice from a licensed attorney with whom you have an attorney-client relationship. On Wednesday, August 24, 2022, President Biden announced another step in his student loan forgiveness plan wherein qualified borrowers will see $10,000 to $20,000 in student loan debt cancellation. Whether… read more »
Support for Small Distressed Businesses
There is something new and exciting in the world of Bankruptcy which gives small businesses in financial distress a chance to reorganize and continue operating, rather than shutting the doors. In 2019, the Small Business Reorganization Act (SBRA) was passed and went into effect in early 2020, with impeccable timing – just prior to the pandemic. Under the SBRA, Congress created a more affordable, less burdensome option under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code for small businesses called the Subchapter V Bankruptcy. Under a Subchapter V Bankruptcy, the small business Debtor, after presenting financial documents to the Court, can pay… read more »
“When a Bouquet is More …” with Attorney Haley Rohrbaugh
The 30th Edition of YRK Magazine, which features two articles sponsored by CGA, spotlights Attorney Haley Rohrbaugh’s client Amanda Witmer. Witmer, the owner, stylist, and manager of Everyone Deserves Flowers, discusses her origins with Everyone Deserves Flowers, and her relationship with brides, the wedding industry, and getting her feet back under her following Covid-19’s disruptions. Read the article on attorney Haley Rohrbaugh’s client Everyone Deserves Flowers here. Everyone Deserves Flowers website.
Leadership Luncheon Virtual Event: What to Know About Personal Bankruptcy
Join the York County Economic Alliance and CGA Law Firm for a Virtual Leadership Luncheon on Thursday, August 6 at 2 p.m. CGA Law Firm’s experienced bankruptcy attorneys, Haley Rohrbaugh, Brent Diefenderfer, and Larry Young, will provide an overview on bankruptcy law and procedures to consider for filing for personal bankruptcy. You can register to receive an email with a link to join the webinar by clicking HERE, but registration is not required. For privacy, attendees can join this presentation and ask questions anonymously. CLICK HERE to join the webinar at 2 p.m. on August 6. Brent C. Diefenderfer is a shareholder with CGA… read more »
Leadership Luncheon Virtual Event: What to Know About Bankruptcy for Businesses
Join CGA and YCEA for a Virtual Leadership Luncheon on Thursday, August 6 at 1 p.m. CGA Law Firm’s experienced bankruptcy attorneys, Haley Rohrbaugh, Brent Diefenderfer, and Larry Young, will provide an overview on bankruptcy law and procedures for a business considering a filing. You can register to receive an email with a link to join the webinar by clicking HERE, but registration is not required. For privacy, attendees can join this presentation and ask questions anonymously. Join the webinar on August 6th at 1 pm. Brent C. Diefenderfer is a shareholder with CGA Law Firm. Brent is a board certified Consumer Bankruptcy Specialist by the American… read more »
COVID-19 Update: The CARES Act and Bankruptcy
COVID-19 Update: The CARES Act and Bankruptcy Last month, March of 2020, The CARES Act was passed in light of the impacts of COVID-19. Specifically, there were changes affecting Bankruptcies – both current and prospective cases. The CARES Act (the “Act”) excludes Coronavirus related payments from the definition of disposable income and the Bankruptcy Estate, i.e. the government stimulus check. Receiving the stimulus check within 6-months of filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy will therefore not disqualify a Debtor from filing a Bankruptcy under Chapter 7. While the Act does not explicitly state this applies to Chapter 13, most Trustees, even… read more »
Honoring American Veterans in Extreme Need Act of 2019
Haven Act of 2019 In August of 2019, Congress rewarded our Veterans for their service by approving the “Honoring American Veterans in Extreme Need Act of 2019”, aka the “HAVEN Act”. The purpose of the Act is to exempt from the calculation of monthly income certain benefits paid by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense. The Act modified the definition of “Current Monthly Income” under the Bankruptcy Code to exclude VA benefits, in general. What does this mean for our clients? In Bankruptcy, there are certain factors considered for whether our individual, consumer clients qualify for… read more »