Archive for the ‘Residential Real Estate’ Category

Residential Landlords: How Old Is Your Lease?

access_time Posted on: January 26th, 2022

When was the last time you updated your lease?  You may be missing important protections or unknowingly violating the Landlord Tenant Act, Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Act, or even the Plain Language Consumer Contract Law. Violating those laws can result in lawsuits brought by tenants, the Pennsylvania Attorney General, or could even invalidate a lease completely. Evictions and other litigation can be irritating, time consuming, and expensive.  An updated lease can help to make the process faster, cheaper, and easier.  It can also provide some important protections to you as the landlord. Contact Attorney Hunter Schenck at… read more »

Eviction Update: SCOTUS Strikes Down CDC Moratorium

access_time Posted on: August 27th, 2021

On August 26, 2021, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a per curiam decision stating that the statute on which the Center for Disease Control relied to issue a moratorium on residential evictions does not grant the CDC the authority that it claims. The court went on to state that it would be a different matter “if Congress had specifically authorized the action that the CDC has taken.”  Instead, the Court stated, the CDC imposed a nationwide eviction moratorium while claiming authority under an old statute which allowed the CDC to implement pest extermination and fumigation. After a… read more »