Individual tickets: $40 Event Details here: Get your tickets here: Attorney Charles Calkins is the Chairman of the Advisory Board of Directors for the Salvation Army of York, PA.
How To Protect Your Business from Litigation
Litigation has affected many Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) licensees with dram shop actions, slip and fall accidents, workers’ compensation claims, etc. The most well-known way to protect assets is to hold the PLCB license under a separate operating company or individual. Another way to protect a business is to use high-quality surveillance cameras. Cameras can be installed in conspicuous places, such as doorways, parking lots, the restaurant seating area, the bar seating area, and possibly outside lavatories. Many restaurants or social clubs that use surveillance cameras only retain the tapes for one (1) month to sixty (60) days. Given… read more »
Salvation Army of York PA: Annual Dinner
Location: The Valencia Ballroom This year, We are pleased to announce The Stewart Companies has been chosen to receive our Outstanding Community Service Award. When Robert Stewart entered the business world more than three-quarters of a century ago, he was armed with a keen mind, a tireless work ethic and the conviction that a man is only as good as his word. Although times have changed, the foundational values that have driven The Stewart Companies’ success since the 1930s remain bedrock firm. Their commitment to York Community remains steadfast, generous, and inspiring. In addition, Samuel Willman, will be honored as… read more »