Posts Tagged ‘service animals’

Service Animals: Housing and Zoning Accommodations

access_time Posted on: October 25th, 2019

Article by: Attorney Christine Nentwig It has become increasingly common to see people accompanied by service or assistance animals in public places, including restaurants, shopping malls and airports.  Most service or assistance animals and the disabled individuals they serve are subject to broad protections with respect to both access to public places and housing under several federal (and many state) statutes. Service Animals and the Law The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies only to service dogs (and in some cases miniature horses) who have been trained to perform specific work or tasks for disabled persons.  The provision of emotional support, comfort,… read more »

Who Let the Dogs … In? Accommodating Individuals with Assistance Animals in the Food Service Industry

access_time Posted on: October 15th, 2019

Article from the October 2019 Issue of the Pennsylvania Observer “So a man and a dog walk into a bar … ” What might sound to some like the start of an old­fashioned bar joke is no laughing matter for those with disabilities or the businesses required to accommodate them. Assistance animals are becoming increasingly common and may be referred to by varying terms, such as service animals, therapy animals, and emotional support animals. The extent to which assistance animals are protected legally varies depending upon the animal’s purpose, species and training. Unfortunately, navigating these legal protections can be challenging,… read more »