Sale Set for June 20, 2013
Article by: Brent C. Diefenderfer
The York County Tax Claim Bureau has published notice that the Judicial Sale will take place on June 20, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. If your property is on this list, it is important for you to understand that if you do nothing before the sale, that you will likely lose your property.
The Judicial sale is distinguishable from the “Tax Upset Sale” that occurs in the fall every year because at the judicial sale, properties are sold “free and clear” of mortgages and other encumbrances. The properties are sold in order that the County’s municipal and school taxes can be paid.
If your property is on the sale list, you may be interested in learning how the “Automatic Stay” under the Bankruptcy Code will stop the Judicial Sale. In addition to stopping the Judicial Sale, Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code allows individual property owners the opportunity to pay back their delinquent real estate taxes (as well as any mortgage arrears) over a payment period lasting as long as five years. Other remedies are available under the Bankruptcy Code for business organizations (such as corporations, partnerships and Limited Liability Companies). If you do not have the funds to pay back the real estate taxes before the Judicial Sale, relief under the Bankruptcy Code may be your only remedy to prevent sale of your property.