Collective Bargaining & Labor Law Attorneys in Central Pennsylvania

Legal and Practical Solutions.

Representing Management in Labor Relations with Unions

Organized labor remains a powerful force, wielding tremendous influence over employers and management. CGA Law Firm understands this and has developed the talent and experience to counsel our clients to advantageous, legal and practical solutions concerning unionized workforces. As business partners, our labor law attorneys take a strategic approach to every engagement, helping our clients to:

  • Negotiate union contracts and collective bargaining agreements
  • Prepare for and respond to work stoppages
  • Respond to and arbitrate grievances
  • Develop strategies for union avoidance

For all employers, positive employee relations are important to overall business success, but for employers of unionized workforces, positive labor relations are absolutely vital. Disputes must be handled quickly and efficiently to minimize the disruption of business activity and maintain good employee relations.

Our labor attorneys regularly handle representation and unfair labor practice matters, including those pertaining to discrimination claims, collective bargaining, picketing, and strikes.

Whether representing employers of unionized workforces or working with employers to address union organizing campaigns, the labor law attorneys at CGA Law Firm will work with your management team to achieve your labor relations goals. 

Please contact CGA Law Firm at (717) 848-4900 or for assistance.

Creating Leverage for Negotiation.

CGA Labor Law Attorneys are Experienced in Maintaining or Achieving the Most Flexible Contract Possible

The escalating costs of doing business, coupled with trends in consolidation and outsourcing, are putting unionized businesses under ever-increasing pressure to get the greatest advantage from their contract negotiations. CGA labor lawyers know how to create leverage to maintain or achieve the most flexible contract possible.

Our experience negotiating union contracts on behalf of management has taught us how to use the collective bargaining process as a powerful strategic tool. Whether we are working behind the scenes to guide both private employers and public municipal entities or serving as chief spokesperson at the collective bargaining table, CGA ensures that your collective bargaining strategy is executed.

CGA labor attorneys guide clients in analyzing labor costs; developing bargaining goals and proposals; and developing communication strategies for employees, customers, suppliers and the public concerning your bargaining stance.

Please contact CGA Law Firm at (717) 848-4900 or for assistance.

With You Every Step of the Way.

Reaching a Fast, Efficient and Cost-Effective Solution

Grievance provisions and arbitration agreements are intended to provide speedy resolution of disputes between employers and unions. Our labor attorneys assist our clients in every step of the process from evaluation through resolution, including selecting arbitrators, handling the preparation, examination and cross examination of witnesses, and preparing briefs.

CGA attorneys work to ensure the dispute resolution process is a fast, efficient and cost-effective solution.

Please contact CGA Law Firm at (717) 848-4900 or for assistance.
