Business Law Attorneys in Central Pennsylvania

We Share Your Passion!

Empowering Business Ventures: Explore Our Business Law Practice Areas

At CGA Law Firm, our comprehensive Business Law practice extends to cover a spectrum of critical areas including Business and Corporate Law, Employment Law, Intellectual Property, and Bankruptcy and Debt Restructuring. For our corporate clients, it’s invaluable to have a team of attorneys who possess deep expertise across these domains, ensuring tailored and effective legal guidance that aligns closely with their diverse needs and challenges.

We offer comprehensive legal support to empower your business ventures and ensure compliance with regulatory frameworks. With a deep understanding of industry nuances and a commitment to client satisfaction, we stand ready to guide you through every stage of your business journey with the following services.

Business and Corporate Law

The corporate and employment law attorneys at CGA Law Firm have the specialized skills you need to grow your business. Our legal team can assist you in achieving your business objectives, whether you’re at the helm of a large corporation, starting your first business, or leading a non-profit organization.

Employment Law

The employment law attorneys at CGA Law Firm respond to publicly and privately held companies and non-profit organizations. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive and practical advice and counsel to management and human resource professionals. As employment laws and regulations continually change, our legal practice focuses on the prevention and mitigation of workplace issues in an effort to minimize your risk for litigation.

Bankruptcy and Debt Restructuring

The best way to prevent financial and legal problems is to prepare for them. Proper planning can help to prevent or minimize the massive disruption and investment of time, energy and money involved in any financial restructuring. The time to address potential bankruptcy issues is before your bank notices a problem.

We are experienced in both business and bankruptcy issues, since the two are inseparable. Understanding of all aspects of business and business law are key to understanding the legal process of financial restructuring. Our bankruptcy lawyers work regularly with CGA Law Firm corporate and real estate attorneys to analyze and draft documents and structure transactions to avoid bankruptcy whenever possible.

Intellectual Property

The intellectual property attorneys at CGA Law Firm know that protecting intellectual property rights is smart business. Companies operate on creative ideas and businesses invest significant time and resources in developing new inventions. We help clients safeguard their proprietary work through trademarks, service marks, copyright, licensing, information technology, trade secret, and trademark protection.

Please contact CGA Law Firm for assistance at (717) 848-4900 or [email protected].
