Municipal & Education Lawyers in Central Pennsylvania

Offering Substantive Expertise

Our Education & Municipal Attorneys Represent Public Officers, Municipalities, & School Districts

CGA Law Firm’s Government and Education Law matters include all legal work related to political subdivisions in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania including Municipal Law, Education Law, Litigation, and land use and planning. CGA Law Firm has been representing public officers and municipalities for over 50 years. We represent numerous municipal clients including boroughs, counties, municipal authorities, planning commissions, police commissions, school districts, townships, and zoning hearing boards.

Our municipal & education attorneys help commercial and residential developer clients obtain approvals in front of municipalities, hearing boards, and planning commissions. Because of our extensive experience and deep relationships with representatives within the municipalities, we have an excellent track record of obtaining approvals.

• Municipal Law (Municipalities & Public Officers)

The CGA team offers substantive expertise in all areas of Government Law, which includes municipal and school law. Our attorneys serve as general counsel and special counsel to public entities and represent our clients’ interests in all venues – before federal, state and local courts, state agencies, the American Arbitration Association and other administrative bodies.

• Education Law

Our Education Law attorneys provide legal representation in the boardroom for meetings, the classroom for legal training, and the courtroom when litigation is necessary. We work directly with superintendents, school boards and administrators with representation that is responsive to the individual needs of the school district.

CGA has extensive experience in every area of education law including student discipline, special education, Employment Law, budgeting, taxation, school construction, Litigation and special counsel investigations.

Recent Education Law Articles

For more information on Municipal & Education Law, please contact CGA Law Firm at (717) 848-4900 or use our Contact Form for further assistance.