Dogs are one of the most common and beloved pets across the United States and the entire world. Many couples decide to purchase a furry friend together while their relationship progresses. Though it may seem that nothing could go wrong, that isn’t always the case. If the couple splits up, where does the dog go? Though many people view their dog as their child, the courts in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania do not. In Pennsylvania, dogs are regarded as personal property[1], not something that a couple has a right to share equally. Though we sometimes believe our pets to be… read more »
Animal Lovers Should Give Thought to the Care of Their Pets
Article by: Timothy J. Bupp, Esquire When preparing a client’s estate planning, we try to anticipate every need and plan for every consideration in their lives. Such planning would be incomplete if it did not take into consideration the future care of animal pets. A recent study indicates that sixty-eight (68%) percent of American households, or about 85 million families, have animal pets. Pets provide love and companionship, and fulfill an important need in the family. It is only appropriate that care be given to the disposition of animal pets as part of your estate plan. Puppynup. Animal pets can come into a marital union… read more »