Bankruptcy filings in Central Pennsylvania are down, as they are nationwide. Due to the relatively healthy economy, this fact should not surprise anyone. The mix of cases that are being filed is more notable. At the close of February in Central Pennsylvania, personal Chapter 13 filings outnumbered personal Chapter 7 filings. A Chapter 7 is filed when people are prepared to simply walk away from their debt. A Chapter 13 is filed when people want to reorganize their debt. In the economic downturn of 2008, the overwhelming majority of filings were in Chapter 7. At one point, nationwide Chapter 7… read more »
How Bankruptcy Actually Improves Your Credit
Article by: Haley Rohrbaugh, Esquire A common misconception about Consumer Bankruptcy is that it devastates your credit. When I meet with potential clients for an initial consultation, most are surprised to find that a Bankruptcy filing will actually improve their credit score. Credit limit usage. Using more than 50% of allowed credit limits will negatively affect a consumer’s credit score. (For example, a credit card with a $1,000.00 credit limit holding a balance due of $500+ will cause credit scores to decrease); and Debt-to-income ratio. Having high levels of debt compared to household income will also decrease credit scores. However,… read more »