Article by: Richard K. Konkel, Esquire Potential clients usually contemplate on whether to move forward with a divorce for an extended period time. They think long and hard about this very difficult decision. Along the way, they may be offered information or advice from friends and family which may or may not be accurate or useful. Beware of free information! You usually get what you pay for, and free advice is often not worth much. If contemplating the life-changing events of a divorce, it is wise to seek legal counsel. Your first interaction when calling an attorney’s office will be… read more »
Child Support Update
Article by: Richard K. Konkel Pennsylvania’s support guidelines establish the amount of child support owed by one parent to the other. A parent is entitled to receive child support if he or she has physical custody of the child for more overnights than the other parent does. Where parents share physical custody equally, the parent who earns more money owes the other parent a decreased amount of child support. The amount of child support is calculated from the parties’ combined total net income. The Pennsylvania support guidelines include a specific dollar amount, called the “basic support obligation,” for each child… read more »