From Attorney Tim Bupp, chair of the CGA Law Firm Estate Law practice group. Farming is Pennsylvania’s number-one industry, producing significant benefits for the Commonwealth. It not only sustains the livelihood and well-being of those who make their living in farming but also serves as an economic engine, driving sectors such as agricultural technology, food processing, and transportation. This ensures that our citizens have access to food and other farm products. However, our changing world continues to create tension between the farm activities of farming and non-farming residents who reside within farming communities, who love and benefit from the country’s… read more »
Estate Planning for Farm Families Part 1: Entities
From Attorney Tim Bupp, chair of the CGA Law Firm Estate Law practice group. In this biweekly column, Attorney Tim Bupp shares with you lessons and perspectives from his twenty-five years as an estate planner with CGA Law Firm. Farm owners and farm families face unique challenges related to their estate planning. The focus is often on ensuring that the next-generation farmer or farmers can stay in farming and that the non-farming family members are treated fairly and equitably while the parents ensure that their future holds a safe and secure retirement. These often competing goals can create tension in… read more »
Is a Prepaid Funeral Right for You?
From Attorney Tim Bupp, chair of the CGA Law Firm Estate Law practice group. In this biweekly column, Attorney Tim Bupp shares with you lessons and perspectives from his twenty-five years as an estate planner with CGA Law Firm. Is a prepaid funeral the right thing? I do not sell funeral plans, but I recognize them as an important issue related to estate plans. Funerals are complicated, expensive, and deserve our attention. Who makes funeral decisions? By time-honored caselaw in Pennsylvania, the responsibility of planning a funeral falls to your next of kin. While you could appoint someone in your Will to… read more »
What is a Last Will and Testament?
For most people, estate planning requires just a few basic documents. View this video by Attorney Tim Bupp to learn more about why you need a Last Will and Testament.A thoughtfully prepared Estate Plan is not just beneficial to family members, it can provide tremendous peace of mind. An Estate Plan with a Last Will and Testament will ensure that the money and other assets you have worked hard to accumulate are preserved and passed on to those you love and to the charitable organizations you care about.You owe it to yourself and those you love to have a plan in place. AttorneyTim… read more »