Archive for the ‘Beth Kern’ Category

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Update

access_time Posted on: May 17th, 2021

On May 10, 2021, the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) announced a Final Interim Rule and additional guidance on the use of funding that will be provided to local governments as a part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Act). Under the Act, most municipalities in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are considered non-entitlement units because they have populations of less than 50,000. There are only eight reported townships or boroughs within the Commonwealth that do not meet the definition of a non-entitlement unit, and will receive funding directly from the Treasury. As we first reported back in… read more »

2021 is a Required Decennial Filing Year

access_time Posted on: February 9th, 2021

Every ten years business entities of every kind who are registered to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are required by law to make a decennial filing with the Pennsylvania Department of State confirming the continued existence of the business in order to maintain exclusive use of its registered name.  The Department of State has sent out postcard notices to businesses that are required to make a decennial filing this year. Your business may have already received this notice or you may be receiving a notice soon. However, just because a business has not received a notice does not relieve it… read more »

CGA Law Firm Welcomes Four Attorneys

access_time Posted on: January 26th, 2021

CGA Law Firm is excited to welcome four attorneys: Jasmine Butler, Beth Kern, Daniel Fennick, and Ronald Perry. Jasmine and Beth are new attorneys with work ethic and drive; Dan and Ron bring over 80 years of combined legal experience from practices in their own firms. “The four new attorneys each demonstrate a sincere commitment to integrity and excellence.” Jeff Rehmeyer, President of CGA Law Firm, explains. “Creating a firm based on core values and choosing principle-focused people is the key to our warm, collaborative CGA culture.”  Jasmine N. Butler is currently focusing her practice in Real Estate, Business, Alternative Dispute Resolution,… read more »

Agricultural Business Development Opportunities

access_time Posted on: January 7th, 2021

The Coronavirus Pandemic has demonstrated that Agricultural Businesses are vital to local community success and national supply chains. Additionally, the pandemic has increased the need for Agricultural Businesses to find ways to connect with customers and sell products online. If you need help bringing your current Agricultural Business into 2021 or you have an Agricultural Business idea that needs formalization or funding, the Pennsylvania Farm Bill may be able to help.  In 2019 the Pennsylvania Farm Bill created the Agricultural Business Development Center and provided various funding and grant programs for agriculture in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has announced that the Agricultural… read more »

Show You Care — and Save Taxes!

access_time Posted on: December 22nd, 2020

Among the tax law changes adopted by Congress to address this year’s Coronavirus epidemic is one that will allow you to help others and save on your tax bill at the same time.   The CARES Act, approved by Congress this past Spring, gives taxpayers a dollar-for-dollar tax deduction of up to $300 when they make a documented cash contribution to a qualified charity before December 31, 2020. In order for the cash contribution to be documented you will need a written record of the donation like a receipt from the organization indicating your name, contribution amount and date.  This is an above-the-line deduction,… read more »

Welcome Beth Kern to CGA Legal Team!

access_time Posted on: November 2nd, 2020

CGA Law Firm is excited to welcome Beth Kern to the CGA Legal Team! Beth is a recent cum laude graduate of Widener University Commonwealth Law School, where she earned several significant awards. She was conferred an Outstanding Service to Law School Award for exemplary service and the John A. Fillion Memorial Award for her excellence in scholarship and professionalism. Specifically she was recognized as being the most likely to significantly contribute to the public and to the profession of labor and employment law.  These awards are evidence of Beth’s determination and work ethic, qualities she learned growing up in… read more »