Archive for the ‘Government or School Matters’ Category

Attorney Wilson Presents “The Mayor, the Chief, and the Law: Best Practices for Avoiding Civil Lawsuits”

access_time Posted on: November 25th, 2022

Attorney John R. Wilson Presented “The Mayor, the Chief, and the Law: Best Practices for Avoiding Civil Lawsuits”at the Pennsylvania State Mayors Association on Tuesday, November 22nd. His partners for this presentation included Attorney Jim Nowalk and Mayor Ron Harris. The webinar provided information to borough and city mayors regarding the respective roles of the two in the context of a municipal policing. Specifically, the mayor’s role as the elected and accountable “head of the police department” and the police chief’s role as the boots-on-the-ground law enforcement professional with years of police experience. John’s portion of the webinar summarized the… read more »

Tax Credit Increase for Volunteer Emergency Service Providers

access_time Posted on: November 23rd, 2022

The Volunteer Service Credit Act (the “Act”), which is found in 35 Pa. C.S.A. Health and Safety, was amended in 2020 by Act 91 to allow active volunteer firefighters to take an even greater tax credit. As many municipalities are experiencing first hand, volunteer fire and emergency service companies are declining in numbers of volunteers across the Commonwealth. The Act (Act 172 of 2016) was adopted to assist with recruiting and maintaining active volunteers by offering financial incentives. This credit allows for volunteer firefighters to obtain a credit against municipal real estate tax obligations for amounts they have paid that… read more »

The Central Penn Business Journal has Selected Devon Myers Kolomick, Attorney at CGA Law Firm as a Forty Under Forty Recipient

access_time Posted on: September 12th, 2022

Forty Under Forty recognizes professionals 40 years of age and younger who have been successful in the Central Pennsylvania area. Honorees, chosen by the editors and publisher of the Central Penn Business Journal, were selected based on professional accomplishments, community service and commitment to inspiring change. A listing of honorees can be found on the CPBJ website. “The 2022 Forty Under 40 honorees represent the future of Central Pennsylvania. They have achieved professional success and are making significant contributions to our community and inspire change,” said Suzanne Fischer-Huettner, senior group publisher of the Central Penn Business Journal. “We at the… read more »

Updates on Student Loan Relief

access_time Posted on: August 30th, 2022

*DISCLAIMER: This article is intended to share factual information and is not intended to reflect the author’s or CGA Law Firm’s stance or opinion on Student Loan Relief. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. You should only accept legal advice from a licensed attorney with whom you have an attorney-client relationship.             On Wednesday, August 24, 2022, President Biden announced another step in his student loan forgiveness plan wherein qualified borrowers will see $10,000 to $20,000 in student loan debt cancellation. Whether… read more »

Title IX Turns Fifty

access_time Posted on: August 11th, 2022

On June 23, 2022, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Title IX, the U.S. Department of Education released its proposed changes to the existing regulations, inviting public comment. The proposed rule is the result of a comprehensive review of Title IX regulations that began in March 2021.  The proposed changes to the regulations include, but are not limited to, the following: Protection for students and employees from all forms of sex discrimination and sex-based harassment. Protection for the right of parents/guardians to support their children. Requirement that schools take swift action to end any sex discrimination and prevent its recurrence…. read more »

U.S. Department of the Treasury Releases the Long-Awaited Final Rule for the American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds

access_time Posted on: January 24th, 2022

The U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) recently released the Final Rule for the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (ARPA Funds) bringing closure to most of the uncertainty surrounding eligible uses of ARPA Funds by local municipalities.  In general, the Final Rule provides numerous examples of eligible projects, within the four primary eligible ARPA Funds use categories. Additionally, the Final Rule provides local municipalities clear direction that as a recipient, a local municipality will have broad flexibility to use the ARPA Funds to respond to the specific needs of its local community. As a… read more »

York County’s Agricultural Land Preservation Program is Currently Receiving Applications

access_time Posted on: January 19th, 2022

York County’s Agricultural Land Preservation Program is currently receiving applications for their 2022-2023 preservation program. Applications for farms can be submitted through February 15, 2022, for the ranking process. The highest-scoring farms will be offered for preservation. Qualifying farms should be a minimum of fifty acres in size or adjacent to another preserved property, and must meet program requirements regarding soil quality, production and other criteria. Landowners should submit their completed application (available at, and can consult with the Program staff office at 2401 Pleasant Valley Road, or at (717)-840-7400 for details and requirements. The York County Agricultural Land… read more »

CGA Law Firm Elects Evan M. Gabel, Esq. to Shareholder

access_time Posted on: January 7th, 2022

CGA Law Firm is pleased to announce the election of Evan M. Gabel, Esq. to shareholder. Evan provides legal services in the areas of municipal law, business and corporate law, real estate law, and estate planning and administration. “He is a hard-working and affable attorney.” CGA Law Firm Executive Committee member, Craig Sharnetzka, stated. “Evan has substantial knowledge in his specific areas of law and keeps the legal team apprised of trends and changes in legislation.” Evan assists clients in residential and commercial real estate matters, and with their estate planning and administration needs. He also has considerable experience representing… read more »

Knock It Off! Best Practices and Pitfalls When Adopting Noise Ordinances

access_time Posted on: July 30th, 2021

Whether it’s a case of an incessantly barking dog or an over-enthusiastic DIY warrior running power tools at midnight, most municipalities could use a carefully constructed noise ordinance from time to time. A well-written ordinance is clear, targeted, and most importantly, enforceable. An effective noise ordinance should be clear and understandable to the average person. A municipality is well within its authority to adopt a noise ordinance. Under Pennsylvania law, municipalities have the authority  “[t]o make regulations as may be necessary for the health, safety, morals, general welfare and cleanliness and beauty, convenience, comfort and safety of the borough.” (8… read more »

Sunshine Act Amendment

access_time Posted on: July 14th, 2021

The Sunshine Act was amended by Act 65 of 2021 providing new requirements for publishing and posting public meeting agendas and new restrictions on when public bodies may vote on at meetings on matters not listed in the published agenda. These Amendments to the Sunshine Act are effective August 29, 2021.The agenda is required to contain a listing of each matter of agency business that will be or may be the subject of or deliberation of or official action at the meeting.All government agencies, including but not limited to Counties, Townships, Boroughs, and Authorities, that have a publicly accessible website are… read more »