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The Clock is Ticking – Obligate ARPA Funds Before the Deadline

access_time Posted on: February 15th, 2024

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) has provided many local governments with a financial boost to tackle the challenges the pandemic presented. However, with the deadline to obligate these funds less than a year away, municipalities must be mindful of the time limitations associated with the funds to ensure optimal utilization for their community’s benefit. Local governments have until December 31, 2024, to obligate all received ARPA funds. This means the governing bodies of municipalities must allocate the funds to specific projects, programs, or initiatives before this date to avoid loss of funds. Under the Final Rule, failure to meet this… read more »

Employee Engagement is Important for Local Government Employers Too

access_time Posted on: August 28th, 2023

According to the October 2019 US Bureau of Labor Statics 22.6 million workers make up the total number of public sector employees in the United States. Of those 22.6 million, 14.6 million or 64.6% are local public sector employees. The pandemic, remote working, and the idea of “gigs” over a career has sparked numerous challenges in the job market for private and public employers. As a large population of the workforce enters and nears retirement age, hiring and retaining employees at the local level will be at the forefront of many local officials minds and meeting agendas. Compliance with employment… read more »

A New Tool to Protect York County Property Owners

access_time Posted on: October 17th, 2022

Protect your property from property title and deed theft.Property title theft often occurs when a bad actor steals your identity and then creates fraudulent deed transfer documents that appear as though you have signed them. In response to this trend, some companies have offered paid monitoring services to help protect your property against these types of attacks. However, if you own property in York County, then the Recorder of Deeds Office has just made it easier and free for you to monitor recordings related to your property.     To protect your property, navigate to the Recorder of Deeds page on the York… read more »

Everyone Gets Along, Until They Don’t – The Importance of Establishing Formal Governing Body Bylaws and Meeting Procedures

access_time Posted on: May 31st, 2022

The past two years have seemingly stood for one general proposition, expect the unexpected. Given the recent rise in public participation at government meetings, the global pandemic, polarizing viewpoints, and the inevitable unexpected situations, municipalities should consider adopting formal bylaws and meeting procedures to govern the conduct of both the governing body and public participants at municipal meetings. Municipalities that have already adopted formal bylaws, procedures, rules and regulations should consider reviewing the documentation for necessary updates. In certain circumstances, such as varied meeting formats or remote participation, formal action may be required to continue allowing for remote participation or… read more »

U.S. Department of the Treasury Releases the Long-Awaited Final Rule for the American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds

access_time Posted on: January 24th, 2022

The U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) recently released the Final Rule for the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (ARPA Funds) bringing closure to most of the uncertainty surrounding eligible uses of ARPA Funds by local municipalities.  In general, the Final Rule provides numerous examples of eligible projects, within the four primary eligible ARPA Funds use categories. Additionally, the Final Rule provides local municipalities clear direction that as a recipient, a local municipality will have broad flexibility to use the ARPA Funds to respond to the specific needs of its local community. As a… read more »

Essential Reminder for Business Entities: 2021 Decennial Filing Deadline and Annual Record Keeping

access_time Posted on: December 21st, 2021

Every ten years, all business entities registered to do business in Pennsylvania are legally required to make a decennial filing with the Pennsylvania Department of State. A decennial filing confirms the continued existence of a business to maintain exclusive use of its registered name. Businesses required to make a decennial filing report for 2021 must complete and file the necessary documentation with a filing fee no later than December 31, 2021. A decennial filing report is required unless a business meets one of the enumerated exceptions. One exception is if the business made a filing, such as a change of… read more »

Attorney Beth Kern Joins York Benevolent Association Board of Managers

access_time Posted on: November 29th, 2021

Congratulations to Attorney Beth Kern for joining the York Benevolent Association’s Board of Managers! The York Benevolent Association has a long and proud history in York. The oldest charitable organization in York County, founded in 1863, originally provided aid for widows and orphans of Civil War soldiers. Over time, the need for their services grew and their work expanded to serve the general public. In 1893, a charter was incorporated to the York Benevolent Association and defined its purpose: providing food, clothing, shoes, and fuel to those in need. Their work has never stopped. As a member of the Board… read more »

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Update

access_time Posted on: May 17th, 2021

On May 10, 2021, the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) announced a Final Interim Rule and additional guidance on the use of funding that will be provided to local governments as a part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Act). Under the Act, most municipalities in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are considered non-entitlement units because they have populations of less than 50,000. There are only eight reported townships or boroughs within the Commonwealth that do not meet the definition of a non-entitlement unit, and will receive funding directly from the Treasury. As we first reported back in… read more »

2021 is a Required Decennial Filing Year

access_time Posted on: February 9th, 2021

Every ten years business entities of every kind who are registered to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are required by law to make a decennial filing with the Pennsylvania Department of State confirming the continued existence of the business in order to maintain exclusive use of its registered name.  The Department of State has sent out postcard notices to businesses that are required to make a decennial filing this year. Your business may have already received this notice or you may be receiving a notice soon. However, just because a business has not received a notice does not relieve it… read more »

Agricultural Business Development Opportunities

access_time Posted on: January 7th, 2021

The Coronavirus Pandemic has demonstrated that Agricultural Businesses are vital to local community success and national supply chains. Additionally, the pandemic has increased the need for Agricultural Businesses to find ways to connect with customers and sell products online. If you need help bringing your current Agricultural Business into 2021 or you have an Agricultural Business idea that needs formalization or funding, the Pennsylvania Farm Bill may be able to help.  In 2019 the Pennsylvania Farm Bill created the Agricultural Business Development Center and provided various funding and grant programs for agriculture in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has announced that the Agricultural… read more »